A bit late, but here's the conclusion of my New York Comic Con adventure! Having survived three nights in the unholy Y.M.C.A., my friend Solis and I were finally ready to tackle Comic Con day 3!
Note: If anyone sees any pictures here that they want taken down, email me at comicallyoverblown@gmail.com and I'll gladly remove them!
Day 3
Saturday was the most crowded and had the biggest panels. There was the Grand Theft Auto panel, the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, and The Walking Dead panel. Solis and I knew if wanted even the slightest hope of seeing a big panel, we'd have to line up pretty early. Before staking a claim, however, we went back to the Artist Alley to see more cosplayers!
Here we've got a great Rogue and Mystique, as well as an amazing Ultron. His face glowed and everything!
Avengers: The Age of Awesome |
More awesome:
Down by the Artist Alley, the car they'd been drawing on had some new additions:
Heeeeey, another Loki!
We also saw a Loki standing around with chains on his wrists, who kept posing for fans with the chains in his mouth like some kinda kinky bastard. Is Fetish-Wear Loki going to become the hot new cosplay after
Thor: The Dark World? Tumblr says yes.
Back in the exhibition hall, Solis found Dante!
And then we ran across... The Queen of Hearts and Ursula, holy crap:
She even has Flotsam and Jetsam with her! |
By that point, we knew we'd dicked around long enough. A staff guy told us if we had any hope of getting into
The Walking Dead panel, we would have to join the line immediately. Wait,
The Walking Dead panel...? I was hoping to see the
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D panel in the room before that.......
That was when I got my first inkling of impending doom (besides waking up that morning in a Y.M.C.A. bunk bed with no railing and staring down into the abyss below).
So we joined the line four hours early. The line was pretty long, and I could already see why this wasn't going to work. Remember how I suffered through the Hatsune Miku panel the day before and then kept my seat for the
Game of Thrones panel afterwards? Yeah, see, you can do that at Comic Con. They don't clear the rooms between panels. That meant some people sat down in that two-thousand-person room for the first panel on Saturday and just
Wuh oh.
A couple panels ended and we
did move forward each time. That was somewhat encouraging.
Then Problem #1 happened:
There was no break between the two WC Network panels.
What the actual fuck. They didn't let
anyone in between the two panels. Everyone in line was furious. The temperature in the room started to increase, and people were starting to say... rather unpleasant things. I told myself not to worry about it. Solis and I were on the last loop of the line, and there was still hope. If we made it in on the next round, we might not make it in for
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but there was still plenty of hope for
The Walking Dead.
Then the WC panel ended and the line moved - but not enough for
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Crap. Solis and I found ourselves standing in a crowd of increasingly agitated people. The
S.H.I.E.L.D. panel started, and they displayed it on a large screen with a sound system like an 80's boom box shoved underwater. I told myself, hey, at least we could see the panel from outside the room, but that wasn't enough for most people.
That's when the ugliness started. For some reason,
The Walking Dead fans decided to take aaaaall their anger out on
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. When the host of the
S.H.I.E.L.D. panel asked who was excited, the
WD fans actually started booing. Wow, real mature, guys.
Then the obscenities started. Throughout the entire
AoS panel, the
WD fans booed and shouted and pushed each other like little children. They shouted things like, "nobody cares about your shitty show!" and "get out of the room!" Even when
Iain De Caestecker (Agent Fitz) and Elizabeth Henstridge (Agent Simmons) took the stage, the WD fans yelled and jeered at them. Security tried to control the line, but it didn't do any good. One girl kept turning to me and saying stuff like, "who the hell cares about this shitty show, right?!" Eventually, I couldn't stand it any longer, so I told her that, um, some of us were actually there to see Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Shocking, right? To her credit, she did apologize to me, but that didn't stop all the others from acting like angry babies. The WD fans verbally assaulted the AoS fans for an hour straight, despite the fact that tons of people in line were wearing Marvel clothing and merch. It was really upsetting, because up until that point, I'd only met cool people at Comic Con. All the fandoms had moved about the convention in perfect harmony, and it wasn't strange to see a Heisenberg fist-bumping a Thor cosplayer. Seriously, everyone had been so cool and accepting and friendly...
Until I met The Walking Dead fans... They were a festering cesspool of spoiled brats. I actually heard a girl say, "our dad paid fifty dollars for us to be here, we should be allowed to go in!" I know it sounds made up, but with Solis as my witness, somebody actually freaking said that. The girl next to me kept shouting, "Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!" over and over into my fucking ear during the AoS panel, then talked about beating people up to get in. Other people yelled insults at the actors while they talked (thankfully, the actors probably couldn't hear them inside). Every now and then, security allowed a few people to enter, so they would ask the line to hold up their fingers to indicate how many seats they wanted. Every time this happened, a guy near me held up his middle fingers at the staff and shouted "party of one!" Real fucking mature. Security got so fed up with the Walking Dead fans, they actually shut the garage door leading into the panel room and decided not to let anyone else in.
Fucking great, Walking Dead fans. Way to go.
I was furious, but I tried to watch as much of the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel as I could, despite the sound system. Here's what I gathered:
- De Caestecker's favorite superhero is Agent Ward (does that count? I guess it can).
- Henstridge is a huge Loki fan and thinks he just needs someone to sit down with him and talk it out (everyone in line went dead silent when Loki's name came up. It was a wonderfully peaceful moment).
- Every scene in
AoS is filmed on site, so a scene in Paris is filmed in Paris, a scene in Sweden is filmed in Sweden, etc.
- The show's been contracted for a full twenty-two episode season.
- Yes, we
will learn how the hell Agent Coulson is still alive.
- De Caestecker and Henstridge looked very uncomfortable. I'm not sure if it was because it was their first time talking in front of two-thousand people, if it was because they had a hard time answering the questions, or if it was because they knew everyone in that room was a actually spot-saving
Walking Dead fan and it made shit awkward.
Unfortunately, when the
AoS panel showed the audience some new footage, they turned off the screen outside. Omigawd, so lame! The guy behind me jokingly said, "I bet they're showing a
Captain America 2 trailer in there." I gasped and told him not to say things like that, to which he responded, "Bucky's probably in there right now!" No. No, you do not say things like that, sir. You just don't. Later on, I heard the video showed something about Coulson's backstory. What the hell, why didn't we get to see it too?!
When the
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. panel ended, all hell broke loose. Everyone shoved forward like a bad mosh pit. Of all the terrible things I saw
The Walking Dead fans do that day, the woman in the mosh pit with a baby in her arms was by far the worst. That woman was in line with that infant for over five hours, and then she kept it in her arms while she participated in the angry mob. I guess seeing Daryl is more important to her than her baby's safety. One woman was sitting on the floor and didn't get up fast enough, so the line decided to trample over her. When the host of the
WD panel congratulated the fans who managed to stay in the room the entire day, the line outside started screaming, "get them out! Get them out!" - even though those people technically waited longer. I mean, really, people?!
Really?! Is the cast of
The Walking Dead worth this kind of behavior?!
Ten minutes into the panel, I'd had enough. Solis and I skipped out of the line and moved to the back of the room with all the other people who didn't get inside. Here's a small portion of the crowd that tried and failed to get into
The Walking Dead panel:
Anyways, I gathered what I could:
- A little girl (yes, there were small children in
The Walking Dead panel for some reason) got up during the Q&A and said she had gifts for the cast. They let her come up on stage and hug all the cast members. When she asked Norman Reedus (Daryl) for a hug, he put her on his lap and let her stay there for the rest of the panel. The little dropped something on his lap and bent down to retrieve it. The crowd around me started making really inappropriate noises. Really, guys?! She was, like,
- Something happens in season 4 that involves, like... an entire hippie jam festival worth of zombies. They showed us the clip without turning off the screen outside.
- The cast was nice enough to acknowledge all of us stuck in line and thanked us for coming. That got the otherwise irate crowd to applaud.
- Any time a cast member is killed off, the other actors throw them a huge dinner party.
- At the end of the panel, when the little girl left, Norman Reedus gave her his water bottle. D'aaaaw.
Anyways, that's all I could gather. The most important thing to take away from this story is that the Comic Con panel system is severely flawed. I don't understand why that horrible system is in place. Right off the top of my head, I can list four other ways the panel system could've been done differently:
1. Have a ticket system in which people pay for and/or reserve seats for the high-profile panels ahead of time.
2. Only allow a few hundred people into the earlier panels, then increase the number of seats available as more major panels happen. That would will limit the number of people who can hold spots all day.
3. Make people leave between panels.
4. Separate the major fandoms. Why the hell did the
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. panel have to be in the same room as
The Walking Dead panel?! They're completely different fandoms, and hardly any
AoS fans got to go to the panel because the
WD fans took all the seats. The Javits Center had other rooms with stages that could've separated the panels.
I mean, seriously, aren't
any of the above options better than what happened?! NYCC inadvertently started a fandom war, and prevented fans from going to their own panels. Nerdiness is becoming more mainstream, and Comic Con is getting bigger and bigger every year. The old system isn't working, and it's time for a change. I hope things are done differently in the future.
Regardless, the behavior of
The Walking Dead fans positively deplorable. I'd like to think they felt ashamed of themselves later, but entitled people like that rarely see the error of their ways. Fandoms are communities, guys. You don't trample your neighbors, and you don't shout obscenities at strangers. Furthermore, you don't publicly shit on fandoms you don't belong to. Daddy's money doesn't mean you deserve to see a celebrity more than someone who traveled all the way to NYCC from, say, Europe. I'm sure 99.9% of all
Walking Dead fans are good, rational people, but the behavior at NYCC made them look really fucking bad. Let's hope they show more self-control next year.
So after failing all the high-profile panels, Solis and I trudged back to the Artist Alley with our heads hanging in defeat. We hoped seeing some nice artwork would heal our wounds.
The painted car has a brand new hood:
We also found some lovely lady Avengers:
Thinking maybe we could make it to one last event, Solis and I went to the cosplay competition, only to find another crazy line. We asked the staff lady if there was any hope, and she said maybe she could slip us inside later. In the meantime, we had a long conversation with her about what it's like staffing such a massive event, and traded stories about peoples' inappropriate behavior when they didn't get into the panels they wanted.
In the end, we couldn't get into the cosplay competition, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. All the competitors stood outside the room awaiting their turn, so we got to take good pictures of them.
See that Rocket Raccoon? His mouth moved up and down somehow. I have no idea how it worked, but the girl operating the suit made it look like Rocket Raccoon was talking! |
That Queen Amidala is amazing. |
While the competition was going on, I took a picture of this awesome Jack Frost cosplay outside. This is the kind of attention to detail that I love to see in cosplay. She has sparkly frost on her shoulders, and she's wearing flip-flops with transparent straps to make herself look barefoot. Totally awesome.
Luckily, I did find out the results of the competition. Rocket Raccoon won for her crazy animatronic raccoon mask. Great job, girl!
And thus concludes Day 3 of Comic Con. One more day to go!
Had a helluva morning. Solis set the alarm on her phone, but the charger came out in the middle of the night and the phone died. Why didn't I have
my phone running an auxiliary alarm? Because when
my alarm went off the previous morning, my phone vibrated itself right off the bunk and vanished between the mattress and the bed frame below. I couldn't find that fucker for ten minutes. The stars just weren't aligned in our favor. Instead of waking up at 7, we got up at 9. Crap.
Nonetheless, we wanted some damn breakfast. I refused to believe New York bagels are
that much better than Midwest bagels, so Solis and I went to another bagel shop. The place was called Ess-a-Bagel, and they had a marvelous display:
And more food to put Chicago's bagels to shame:
How can I ever go back?! |
Because we woke up late, we had to head straight to the one panel we were hoping to see before the convention was over: the Women of Marvel panel. We had to join the line immediately if we wanted to get a spot inside. Not gonna lie, the Women of Marvel panel wound up being one of my favorite parts of NYCC. I didn't really know what to expect. Were they gonna talk about female comic characters from Marvel?
Luckily, we did get in and we got good seats. Turned out the panelists were all women who work for Marvel:
Panelists included (in no particular order): Janet Lee (a Marvel cover artist), Jeanine Schafer (an assistant editor at Marvel and the host of the panel), Judy Stephens (who runs Marvel's cosplay blog), Lauren Sankovitch (a Marvel comics editor), Sara Pichelli (
Guardians of the Galaxy artist), Kellie Sue DeConnick (the writer of
Captain Marvel), Natalie Shaw (an assistant editor), Ellie Pyle (working on the upcoming Black Widow comics), Sana Amanat (working on
Captain Marvel), and Stephanie Hans (the cover artist for the Kid Loki run of
Journey into Mystery and the awesome woman who signed my print on Friday). Hopefully I got all those names right. I took notes during the panel and used the internet to fill in the gaps, but I can't make any promises. Sorry if I missed anyone!
This panel couldn't have come at a better time. After being verbally assaulted by angry
Walking Dead fans for hours the day before, the atmosphere in the Women of Marvel panel was like coming up for fresh air in a sewer drainage pond. The panel was about women and their role in the world of modern comics. The room had a family-like atmosphere, and everyone was metaphorically patting each other on the back. The panelists talked about equality in comics and the changing demographics of comic book fans. During the Q&A session, female fans stood up to thank the panelists for helping Marvel become more progressive, and awesome male fans stood up to echo the same sentiment.
Personally, I've never been one of those raging feminists who holds up picket signs and shouts at men. I accept that I'm a woman, and I love a lot of things about
being a woman. I fucking love makeup, I love dresses, and I think wearing pigtails everyday is seriously underrated. However, I was raised to believe that I should have all the same opportunities as men, and that I'm not a second-class citizen. It was really awesome to see so many women being passionate about making sure that happens.
Lately, the
Captain Marvel series by Kellie Sue DeConnick has become a huge hit among the ladies. DeConnick had all the Captain Marvel cosplayers in the audience stand up to show just how many of the women in the room were inspired by a strong, female character like Carol Danvers. The panelists answered questions about things like Marvel's Jane Foster campaign for getting girls into science, the controversy over skimpy outfits, and unintentionally sexist men in the comic book industry. I wish I could've recorded the panel because it was so interesting. DeConnick emphasized that more and more women are reading comic books, and that "white males" should no longer be the "default" for main characters. Women, minorities, homosexuals... so many people deserve to be better represented in comic books. Later, DeConnick had all the women in the audience stand up if they were interested in working in the comic books industry. I'd say well over fifty girls stood up. Y'know what, girls? I'm rootin' for ya!
On a side note, being the huge Kid Loki fan that I am, I have to mention the rather interesting announcement they made during the panel about Loki getting his own series in February, entitled
Loki: Agent of Asgard, (which Lauren Sankovitch will be editing):
It's a rather unusual announcement when you consider the fact that the current Loki of Marvel comics is essentially a thirteen-year-old boy. Apparently, something happens in
Young Avengers #11 that will cause him to have a major growth spurt, which would end Kid Loki's run in Marvel comics - probably forever. Personally, I stopped reading about Kid Loki after
Journey into Mystery, and didn't bother reading
Young Avengers because, to be perfectly honest,
JiM left me completely heartbroken. Before the series was over, I felt like someone had ripped out my soul and done a violent river dance on it. It may have been one of the saddest stories I'd ever read. Afterwards, I chose to detach myself from Kid Loki to avoid anymore emotional trauma.
Nonetheless, I was initially excited about the
Loki: Agent of Asgard announcement, because I thought it might be a chance for the character to be utilized in less depressing ways. That is, until they invited one lucky girl in a Wiccan costume to go up on stage and read a copy of the still unreleased
Young Avengers #11. She sat on stage reading it for awhile, and then she stood up while a panelist was talking and shouted, "IT'S AS BAD AS YOU ALL THINK!"
Oh... okay.
Later, a girl in a Kid Loki costume asked if she could also read
YA #11. The panelists grudgingly agreed (the girl was way too adorable to say "no" to), so she sat on the stage and read it. When she was done, she silently got up and hugged the panelist who gave it to her, then went back to her seat looking like she was gonna cry.
Wonderful. That's very comforting, especially after Lauren Sankovitch promised she would use the
Loki: Agent of Asgard series to "lie to you, lie to you, lie to you." Guys, I don't think my feelings can take anymore abuse. Seriously. The wounds from
Journey into Mystery are still way too fresh.
In the mean time, I should go read
Captain Marvel. Some girl power will diffuse the feels.
So enough about panels. Let's finish off the Comic Con report with lots and lots of cosplay! After the panel, I went back to the exhibition hall to try and capture as many cool photos as possible. First up is this absolutely
incredible Freya from Final Fantasy IX. Anyone who knows me knows that FFIX is my one true love, so I may have scared this girl with my unnecessary excitement over her awesome costume:
Dat javelin! |
We also found an interesting set of Jane Austen-esque
Avengers characters:
As Comic Con started drawing to a close, Solis and I found this guy, who let people write whatever the hell they wanted on post-it notes and stick them to his body.
There was one on his backside that said, "I touched the butt," along with a cartoon penis, and a post-it note that said something like, "smelly ass walrus." Ah, people. |
Dayum, check out these Dark Links:
Wayne's World! Hell yeah!
Schwing! |
On Friday, I saw this amazing Red Mist cosplay from
Kick-Ass, but the guy got away before I could get a photo. Luckily, this amazing group of cosplayers from
Kick-Ass 2 way more than made up for it:
I also found a Hawkeye who ran out of arrows. Hah!
"I killed eleven. You're welcome." |
I left Comic Con feeling really bummed out and depressed that it was over. Luckily, there was one last awesome person outside to make my day:
That night, Solis wanted to get another win for New York City. She'd already proven their bagels are better than Chicago's, but what about the pizza? In order to pit New York's flat pizza over Chicago's deep dish, we went to Lombardi's - one of the first pizza joints to open up in New York City.
Here's our beauty:
The verdict? I think the two kinds of pizza are simply too different to compare. Lombardi's pizza is awesome, but deep dish is awesome for other reasons. I'd say I love them both equally. Solis showed me how to crack the crust and fold the pizza in half like a true New Yorker, so now I can eat pizza like a total boss.
Afterwards, we stopped at a place called Baked by Melissa for mini cupcakes!
The mint-chocolate chip is to die for. |
The following day was my last in New York, which meant an obligatory trip to Times Square:
And the Disney Store:
I keep forgetting Disney sorta own Marvel now. As a total merch whore, I really can't complain:
I want that Nightcrawler. Seriously. |
I also want a castle. |
And a chandelier. |
I'm not just a comic book fan, I'm also a fatass, which meant an obligatory trip to the M&M store:
Which has a freaky Elvis M&M:
Blue suede shoes. Get it? Get it?! |
Here's The Great Wall of Calories:
And a machine that tells you your M&M color:
Thanks. Blue is only, like, one of my least favorite colors... |
Afterwards, we went to the infamous Katz's Delicatessen. It was one of the first delis to open in New York, and the site of Sally's infamous fake orgasm from
When Harry Met Sally:
The place was
But oh-so-fucking worth it:
Are you even seeing the size of that matzoh ball?! Sweet fancy Moses that thing was huge! And dat pastrami! And dat mustard! Unf. |
Here's where Sally embarrassed the crap out of Harry:
Y'know what? I think I did have what she had. |
Last but not least, we stopped off at the massive Midtown Comics store to use the 20% off coupon they gave us at Comic Con. Midtown Comics is two floors of win:
The comic book shop was a great way to end the trip on a nerdy note. I bought as many back issues of
Young Avengers as I could (my body isn't ready), as well as a few other comics I've been meaning to pick up.
Superior Spider-Man better be as good as everyone says it is, and
Young Avengers better not break my heart again. Except I know it will.
Finally, there was an
American Idol finalist on the plane I took home. Yay?
In conclusion: New York Comic Con is awesome, and I'm totally gonna try to go again next year.
And maybe I'll cosplay.
Should I cosplay?
Definitely yes.